Об авторе About the Author
Об авторе
Анна Платова — библиотекарь в Университете Калифорнии в Санта-Барбаре. Она занимается русским языком. У Анны степени магистра истории и библиотековедения, а также степень бакалавра истории и политологии.С детства Анна собирала флаги, и теперь в её собрании более тысячи флагов. Флаговедом она стала, ещё когда училась в колледже. Анна — член Североамериканской Вексиллологической Ассоциации.
Анна проводит исследования по таким темам, как, например, флаг на луне, флаги в американской космической программе, предложения для нового флага штата Канзас и флаги субъектов Российской Федерации.
About the Author
Annie Platoff is a librarian at the University of California - Santa Barbara. She is studying the Russian language. Annie has master's degrees in history and library science, and a bachelor's degree in history and political science.Since childhood, Annie has collected flags and she now has over a thousand flags in her collection. She became a vexillologist when she was in college. Annie is a member of the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA).
Annie has conducted research on topics such as the flag on the Moon, flags in the American space program, proposals for the state flag of Kansas, and flags of Russia's federal subjects.
Вексиллолоческие сочинения авторa Vexillological Works by the Author
- "The World Flag of the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts," NAVA News, 22 (1989).
- Proposed Designs for the State Flag of Kansas. Unpublished presentation to NAVA 23 (Dallas, TX, October 1989).
- "Where No Flag Has Gone Before: Political and Technical Aspects of Placing a Flag on the Moon." Presented to
NAVA 26 (San Antonio, TX, October 1992), awarded Driver Award for best paper.
- Published as NASA CR-188251. Houston: NASA Johnson Space Center, 1992. http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/alsj-usflag.html
- Published in Raven: A Journal of Vexillology, 1 (1994): 3-10.
- "Where No Flag Has Gone Before." short version
- Final Frontier, 7 (July/August 1994): 74-75.
- Reprinted in JSC Space News Roundup, 33 (July 22, 1994): 3.
- "The Pike-Pawnee Flag Incident: Reexamining a Vexillological Legend," Raven: A Journal of Vexillology, 6 (1999): 1-8. Presented to NAVA 31 (Chicago, IL, October 1997). http://aplatoff.home.mindspring.com/flags/pikepawnee.html
- "Panel Discussion on Multi-Disciplinary Research in Vexillology," panel member, NAVA 31 (Chicago, IL, October 1997).
- Flags in Space: NASA Symbols and Flags in the U.S. Manned Space Program. Presented to NAVA 36 (Denver, 2002). Publication pending in The Flag Bulletin.
- Lions and Babrs and Bears: Analyzing the Flags of Russia’s Federal Subjects. Presented to NAVA 42 (Austin, 2008). Publication pending.